The Beauty of Floral Tattoos

Tattoos can represent various symbols and have been recognized as an art form. Both Men and women like to imprint tattoos on their bodies to follow the latest fashion. Women in particular, are more fascinated with floral tattoos. What is it about floral tattoos that cause women to prefer them over other symbols? Clearly, floral tattoos convey femininity.
Floral Tattoos
 Floral Tattoos

Many tattoos are currently available in floral designs which can be modified to suit individual preference. Women can choose the ones that match their character and personality. The internet is a very good place to search and find many designs for floral tattoos.

Historically, it has been noted that body art has been used as a most influential and powerful form of self expression. Relative to other symbols and aesthetics, floral tattoos often have perfect symmetry that satisfies a woman's desire for beauty and fashion. Symbolically, flowers are perceived to induce purity, fragility, femininity, and seductiveness. Nevertheless, different ethnic customs attribute many different meanings to each type of flower.

Floral TattoosFloral TattoosFloral Tattoos
  Floral Tattoos

There are a number symbols that are represented within more famous tattoos. Normally, flowers such as roses, hibiscus, orchids, lilies, and lotus are chosen as a basis for floral tattoos. They are often worn to represent a person who is close to the owner of the tattoo. Such symbols express an array of qualities and emotions such as passion, grace, nobility, love, refinement, perseverance, and majesty. Once merged with the other elements, these floral tattoos take on a variety of meanings that completely transform the final outcome.

Floral TattoosFloral Tattoos
 Floral Tattoos

Tribal elements are often encountered in traditional tattoos and instantly instill more captivating effect. Traditional tattoos can be more flexible and allow greater potential for self expression. Tribal elements encompass a mystifying appeal that enhances the sexiness of a tattoo. Tribal elements are often chosen by women considering a dramatic design for a whole body tattoo; they can however also be used to create a much smaller artistic tattoo that appears more complex and attractive.

Floral TattoosFloral Tattoos
 Floral Tattoos
Floral tattoos can be imprinted on the different body parts according to personal preference and ideals. Many women select body areas like rib cage, shoulder blade, or lower back. Nevertheless, it is not rare too to see women sporting tattoos on their arms and ankles.

Floral TattoosFloral TattoosFloral Tattoos
 Floral Tattoos

Tattoo coloration is also a vital aspect to be considered. Any decision on tattoo coloration can significantly affect the final outcome and should be considered as part of the overall design. So, as you customize the final design of your tattoo, ensure you have properly considered and evaluated the colors as well as the meanings.

Article by: Wendy Gorman 

Dragon Japanese Tattoo Style

Dragon Japanese Tattoo StyleDragon Japanese Tattoo Style

Dragon Japanese Tattoo StyleDragon Japanese Tattoo Style

Dragon Japanese Tattoo StyleDragon Japanese Tattoo Style

Dragon Japanese Tattoo StyleDragon Japanese Tattoo Style

Dragon Japanese Tattoo StyleDragon Japanese Tattoo Style

Phoenix Japanese Tattoo Style

Phoenix Japanese Tattoo StylePhoenix Japanese Tattoo Style

Phoenix Japanese Tattoo StylePhoenix Japanese Tattoo Style

Phoenix Japanese Tattoo StylePhoenix Japanese Tattoo Style

Phoenix Japanese Tattoo StylePhoenix Japanese Tattoo Style

Dragon Tattoo Design from Tattoo Software

Dragon Tattoo Design from Tattoo SoftwareDragon Tattoo Design from Tattoo Software

Dragon Tattoo Design from Tattoo SoftwareDragon Tattoo Design from Tattoo Software

Dragon Tattoo Design from Tattoo SoftwareDragon Tattoo Design from Tattoo Software

Dragon Tattoo Design from Tattoo SoftwareDragon Tattoo Design from Tattoo Software

Dragon Tattoo Design from Tattoo SoftwareDragon Tattoo Design from Tattoo Software

Phoenix Tattoo Design

If there was one majestic bird that captivated thousands of audience members of the Harry Potter books and movies; it was that of Professor Dumbledore's magnificent pet - the Phoenix. This bird, which is represented in many different cultures, can also be found in abundance of the backs of tattoo aficionados. Why on the back, I am not too sure, but it seems like the proper place for such an exuberant, mythical creature!

Phoenix Tattoo DesignPhoenix Tattoo Design

The phoenix of Egyptian mythology speaks of an ancient bird that cry was so soulful and beautiful that it could captivate humans in a purely magical way. The creature is said to have lived in the desert for 500 years before it would consume itself in a blaze of fire. Then, from its own ashes, it would be reborn to live another 500 years! As it flew through the skies above, it could leave a trail of fire, thus alerting all to its presence.

Phoenix Tattoo DesignPhoenix Tattoo Design

The phoenix of Chinese origin was composed much like other Chinese creatures - out of parts of other (more widely known and recognized) animals. It was said to have the head of a pheasant, a comb on top of its head (the red, floppy part of a rooster), the beak of a bird (specifically a swallow), the neck of a tortoise, and flame-like appendages (those appendages were similar to that of a common bird). It was an imaginary animal considered a bird of good luck and longevity. (Really, is there anything Chinese that is not considered THAT?!) The phoenix of China was meant to have several different colors of feathers. They were red, yellow, black, blue, and white. All colors contained the hidden virtues. Red stands for a long life and good luck; yellow is for protection against evil; black is for self-cultivation; blue is for knowledge; white is for peace and purity.

Phoenix Tattoo DesignPhoenix Tattoo Design

Many people tend to do what I feel I have done, as far as the Chinese culture is concerned. Lost in our own mutt-like heritages, we grasp for the beauty and intense values that revolve around both the language and the life that is its ancient culture. In the unending search to belong to something greater (that is, if religion is not much of an option that you are interested in), the Chinese proverbs and drops of wisdom that encompass many of the mythical creatures (phoenix, dragons, etc.) is truly appealing when trying to fill that void. Sorry about that - I seemed to have dropped into an abyss of deep thoughts!

Phoenix Tattoo DesignPhoenix Tattoo Design

For whatever the rhyme or reason that lurks behind this beast, the phoenix has become a symbol that many have decided truly "speaks" for them. The wiles of a tattoo tend to surface, and, lo and behold, a phoenix spreads its painted wings on the backs of others, for all to see. It makes me wonder if all of the virtues that the colors hold to, can somehow seep into me . . . perhaps a new tattoo in my future? Let me consult my fortune cookie.

Article By: Michael Mantis

Dragon Tattoo

The most well known and most popular mythical creature depicted in tattoos is the Japanese dragon. It is more popular than any of the other mythical creatures, such as the phoenix, mermaid or gryphon. This may be due to its shape because the long and flexible dragon that descends from Japanese tattoo traditions practically fits on every part of the body - covering full backs, winding himself around arms or coiling up on the chest of the carrier.

Dragon TattooDragon Tattoo

The Japanese dragon is usually depicted as a wingless, heavily scaled snake-like creature with small, clawed legs and a camel shaped head with horns. It is associated with sea, clouds or the heavens. It has whiskers and a beard, and it is deaf. In the West we think of dragons as terrifying beasts, but in Japan the dragon symbolises wealth, good fortune, good luck, kindness, power and freedom.

The good luck stems from the fact that the Japanese dragon is a "water symbol", living either in the clouds, climbing down during thunderstorms, or in rivers and lakes. Water is an element of enormous importance for the cultivation of rice in both China and Japan so, because of its ability to bring down the rain, it was revered. Thus dragons are highly respected and admired in both China and Japan. In the Western Culture however, because of the association with the snake, the dragon symbolises evil and they were routinely hunted down, fought and killed.

Dragon TattooDragon Tattoo

It is important to keep the dragon happy because, after all, it could easily cause a seaquake or thunderstorm if annoyed. One of the most famous and most tattooed dragon legends, apart from the display of the Buddhist gods of wind and thunder (Fu-jin and Rai-jin) who are riding the dragons, is the Tamatori Hime. According to legend, Japanese dragons are believed to take up the shape of humans and are even considered capable of mating with humans. The age-old enemy of the dragon is the phoenix and sometimes a bird-man creature called Karura.

Dragon TattooDragon Tattoo

At birth to around five hundred years (or so) of the dragon's life, they are a "water snake". They are not dragons in the sense that we think them to be. From five hundred (or so) to around one thousand (or so) they become Chiao, or scaled creatures. They are said to begin as a fish, and, at a considerably old age, turn into a scaled dragon.

Dragon TattooDragon Tattoo

After the Chiao stage, from about one thousand years to one thousand five hundred years old, the dragon grows rapidly. This is when the dragon becomes a Lung dragon. This takes place over the five hundred year period. Unlike some dragons, they are hornless and symbolize the scholar. These dragons can gain horns, but only after about five hundred years.

When the dragon is between the ages of one thousand five hundred and two thousand, he or she will become a Horned Dragon. They will gain horns and thus look much wiser in the process. After the dragon is two thousand years old, they become a Ying-Lung. They are winged dragons that are also scale-less. They gain wings only after they have been around for about one thousand years, and they never have scales.

Dragon TattooDragon Tattoo

The Japanese dragon (referred to as Ryugu in Japanese mythology) has three toes whereas the Korean has four and the Chinese five. It is said in Chinese Mythology that all dragons originated from China and the ones that left lost their toes, but the Japanese Culture believes that all dragons came from Japan and when they left Japan they gained toes. The farther the dragons went, the more toes they gained (or lost). The Koreans believe that all eastern dragons originated from Korea so that when the dragons leave Korea and go towards China they gain toes and when they go towards Japan they lose toes.

Dragon TattooDragon Tattoo

Another difference is that Japanese dragons tend to be much more slender and fly less frequently than their Chinese counterparts which suggests they either lose or gain weight depending on where they originate from. In Japanese society (as in Chinese society) dragons are depicted in paintings on temple walls and carvings. Most of the temples with dragon carvings usually belong to the Zen Buddhism religion. The Japanese dragon had originally come into existence as a guardian creature that was in charge of guarding all the four cosmic regions. Traditionally the dragon is identified with the season of spring throughout Asia.

Dragon TattooDragon Tattoo

The Dragon King is really four dragons, and these dragons keep watch over the four main seas. They are believed to live underwater in the Ryuku islands area in Okinawa. Japanese dragons are of various types: there are the Tatsu dragons that are a representation of spirituality and imperial power and tend to live in lakes or springs. The Sui-Riu dragons are held responsible for bringing rains into the islands of Japan. The Han-Riu dragon is the tallest of the dragons measuring up to almost 40 feet in length and can reach the heavens. The Ri-Riu dragon is most popular for its unusual eye-sight which is believed to be the best. The Ka-Riu dragon which is the smallest possesses a frightening red color. The Fuku Riu is the dragon which brings luck to people. The Hai-riyo dragon is actually a dragon which possesses a bird-like shape and is the most evolved of all the dragons.

Dragon TattooDragon Tattoo

Other interesting things to note are the differences between the dragons in pictures. For example, males usually have clubs in their tails while females hold fans. These dragons can also be depicted as descending from the sky or inside clouds. Male horns are thinner near the base of the head and thicker and stronger towards the outside. Females have "nicer" manes, they are rounder, and thus are seen as more balanced than the rigid mane of the males. The females' noses are usually straighter, their scales thinner, and have a thicker tail.

Dragon TattooDragon Tattoo

Modern Japanese tattoo artists have taken the art of the Japanese dragon to amazing new levels. Whether you want a full back or a half sleeve design, you will find an incredible gallery of amazing tattoo designs to choose from. They can be in colour, or black and white. The Japanese dragon tattoo may appear with sea waves, clouds or pearls. Sometimes the dragon holds an enormous magical pearl in its claw, which has the power to multiply whatever it touches, the "pearl" symbolized the most precious treasure: Wisdom (hence "pearls of wisdom"). Ancient Dragon lore and illustrations have inspired many of us to select a Japanese dragon tattoo because that design represents how we feel about ourselves -- strength, wisdom and freedom...

Dragon TattooDragon Tattoo

Japanese dragon tattoos can wrap around the body and flatter the contours of the body. Full body and full back dragon tattoos are very common in Japan, but the most popular location is half sleeve, the body of the dragon wraps around the upper arm and the dragon's head extends across the chest just above the heart. Because of the long shape of the dragon, it is also well suited for inking on arms and legs.

Article By: Alan Watt

Ying Yang Tattoo

The good and the evil are the two opposites of the universe that are on warring sides and the war is never ending as long as the balance between the two is maintained. Ancient Chinese scriptures have a lot of material on this subject and there are many symbols that represent this perfect balance in the world.

Ying Yang TattooYing Yang Tattoo

Ying yang is a symbol that depicts all the warring ideals in the universe and then goes on to show that there is not only balance of these opposite ideals in the world, there is actually a companionship that has to be eternally present among them. They are fused together and one cannot exist without the other being equally important. They can be the ideals of the dark and light, good and evil or even night and day.

Ying Yang TattooYing Yang Tattoo

The Ying and yang symbol has two opposite colours like black and white that depict the two opposite ideals. These colours are then placed in such a way that they look like fused puzzle pieces. Then again the black is not even all black and has a dot of white in it while the white portion sports a spot of black in it. This shows that nothing good is devoid of evil while every evil has some good in it. This also depicts man and woman, light and dark, night and day, happiness and sadness and all the other opposite ideals that you can think of but the message remains the same.

Ying Yang TattooYing Yang Tattoo

Tattooing is one of the arts that are making great headways in the past decade. There are many reasons that a person decides to get a tattoo on his body. The experience sometimes gives a fashionable effect and is done solely for this reason.

Ying Yang TattooYing Yang Tattoo

Then there are some who take the pain as a purging symbol or process. There are some people who associate the deeper meaning of the symbol to the feeling that they want to depict through the art.

Ying Yang TattooYing Yang Tattoo

Ying yang is a symbol that suits all the purposes and makes a great tattoo design. There are many who do the symbol up in varied colours of red and white as well as blue and white, however, the classic black and white remains the eternal favourite. There are some basic tips that should be kept in mind while getting a tattoo done on your body. These tips can be enlisted as such.

• Tattoos are very painful and your skin should be tested for sensitivity to the needles before you embark on the journey of getting a Ying yang tattoo for you.

• Tattoos are inappropriate for some work cultures. Keep that in mind if you are associated with any such institutions. You can also get the tattoo done in some discreet area of your body that will remain covered and avoid complications for you.

• Tattooing should be always done at a hygienic tattoo parlour. Since hypodermic needles are used for the cause they can be very dangerous and spread dangerous diseases like AIDS.

Article By: Michael O Molloy

Traditional Japanese Tattoo Design

Traditional Japanese Tattoo DesignTraditional Japanese Tattoo Design

Traditional Japanese Tattoo DesignTraditional Japanese Tattoo Design

Traditional Japanese Tattoo DesignTraditional Japanese Tattoo Design

Traditional Japanese Tattoo DesignTraditional Japanese Tattoo Design

Traditional Japanese Tattoo DesignTraditional Japanese Tattoo Design

Tattoo Galleries

When you think about it, a tattoo is a way for you to express yourself in a variety of ways. It's a way to express your personality, as well as whom you are. Choosing a tattoo can be both difficult for some, and easier for others. You have to be sure it's what you want, because it's going to be with you for the rest of your life. Some want a tattoo that is more unique than what can be found in a tattoo parlor. There are many online tattoo galleries that offer a wider selection, and you have a better chance picking something both unique, and meaningful out.

Peacock Tattoo - Tattoo GalleriesPeacock Tattoo - Tattoo Galleries

Tattoos galleries can really showcase tattoo artists skills, as you can view designs from all over the world rather than just your local area. For example, for those who are looking for a rose design, you are bound to find millions of variations of it. They come in all sizes, colors, and much more.

Tribal Tattoo - Tattoo GalleriesTribal Tattoo - Tattoo Galleries

Most people seek online websites for their next tattoo design, especially if they have a theme and want to stick with it. Many parlors have limited designs, and going online gives you a wider range of options that you can take to your tattoo parlor. For example, for those who have angel tattoos, you may think about getting saints and crosses added to suit the theme. Some just don't really mind having all sorts of different designs.

Tattoo on Face - Tattoo GalleriesTattoo on Face - Tattoo Galleries

Tattoo galleries can provide you with millions of designs no matter what you are looking for. Even though you may be on the hunt for days, in the end you will be glad you did knowing you have the perfect tattoo. You should make sure you are happy with your choice, as it would be a waste of money since tattoos can get to be a pit pricey, and they can be hard to cover up in some cases if you change your mind.

Article by: Andrew V. Simon

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